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Log in to the UI with Kommander

When DKP is installed, a static user account and credentials are created that can be used to access the DKP Dashboard. You can log in to the UI in Kommander with the credentials given using this command:

dkp open dashboard --kubeconfig=${CLUSTER_NAME}.conf

You can also retrieve your credentials at any time using the following command:

kubectl -n kommander get secret dkp-credentials -o go-template='Username: {{.data.username|base64decode}}{{ "\n"}}Password: {{.data.password|base64decode}}{{ "\n"}}' --kubeconfig=${CLUSTER_NAME}.conf

You can also retrieve the URL used for accessing the UI using the following command:

kubectl -n kommander get svc kommander-traefik -o go-template='https://{{with index .status.loadBalancer.ingress 0}}{{or .hostname .ip}}{{end}}/dkp/kommander/dashboard{{ "\n"}}' --kubeconfig=${CLUSTER_NAME}.conf

D2iQ recommends that you only use these static credentials as a backup to credentials configured using an external identity provider.

You can perform the following operations on Identity Providers:

  • Create an Identity Provider

  • Temporarily Disable an Identity Provider

  • Create Groups

NOTE: An alternative to using the --kubeconfig=${CLUSTER_NAME}.conf flag is to initialize the KUBECONFIG environment variable. You can do this by running export KUBECONFIG={$CLUSTER_NAME}.conf. Setting your KUBECONFIG (either by flag or by environment variable) ensures that Kommander is installed on the workload cluster. The below command assumes you’ve sent your KUBECONFIG.

Always log in with your own identity from external identity providers that provide additional security features like Multi-Factor Authentication. If the need arises to change the password for these credentials, the following shell script can be used to update the secret that contains the static credentials:

#!/usr/bin/env bash 
set -o errexit pipefail nounset 

case "$OSTYPE" in darwin) 
    new_password=$(head -c45 /dev/urandom | base64 --break=0) 
    new_password=$(head -c45 /dev/urandom | base64 --wrap=0) 

kubectl patch \
    --namespace kommander \
    secret/dkp-credentials \
    --type='json' \
    --patch="[ { \"op\" : \"replace\" , \"path\" : \"/data/password\" , \"value\" : \"$new_password\" } ]" 

printf 1>&2 "Password: %s\n" "$new_password"

Next Step

After installing Konvoy component and building a cluster as well as successfully installing Kommander and logging into the UI, you are now ready to customize configurations using the Day 2 Operations section of the documentation. This section allows you to manage cluster operations and their application workloads to optimize your organization’s productivity.

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