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Deploy a Sample App from DKP GitOps

Use this procedure to deploy a sample podinfo application from DKP Enterprise GitOps.


Deployment Steps

This procedure was run on an AWS cluster with DKP 2.4.0 installed.

Follow these steps:

  1. Ensure you are on the Default Workspace (or other workspace you have access to) so that you can create a project.

  2. Create a project.
    In the working example we name the project pod-info. When you create a namespace, Kommander appends five alphanumeric characters. You can opt to select a target cluster for this project from one of the available attached clusters, and then this (pod-info-xxxxx) is the namespace used for deployments under the project, for example:

  3. [Optional] Create a secret in order to pull from the repository, for private repositories.

    1. Select the Secrets tab and set up your secret according to the Continuous Deployment documentation.

    2. Add a key and value pair for the GitHub personal access token and then select Create.

  4. Verify that the secret podinfo-secret is created on the project namespace in the managed or attached cluster:

    kubectl get secrets -n pod-info-xt2sz --kubeconfig=${CLUSTER_NAME}.conf

    NAME                         TYPE                                  DATA   AGE
    default-token-k685t   3      94m
    pod-info-xt2sz-token-p9k5z   3      94m
    podinfo-secret               Opaque                                1      1s
    tls-root-ca                  Opaque                                1      93m

  5. In the UI, select your project and then select the Continuous Deployment (CD) tab.

  6. Add a GitOps Source, complete the required fields, and then Save.
    There are several configurable options such as selecting the Git Ref Type, but in this example we use the master branch. The Path value should contain where the manifests are located. Additionally, the Primary Git Secret is the secret (podinfo-secret) that you created in the previous step, if you need to access private repositories. This can be disregarded for public repositories.

  7. Verify the status of gitrepository creation with this command (on the attached or managed cluster), and if READY is marked as True:

    kubectl get gitrepository -A --kubeconfig=${CLUSTER_NAME}.conf

    NAMESPACE        NAME           URL                                                    	   AGE    READY   STATUS
    kommander-flux   management    	https://gitea-http.kommander.svc/kommander/kommander.git   134m   True    stored artifact for revision 'main/4fbee486076778c85e14f3196e49b8766e50e6ce'
    pod-info-xt2sz   podinfo-source                    116m   True    stored artifact for revision 'master/b3b00fe35424a45d373bf4c7214178bc36fd7872'

  8. Verify the Kustomization with this command below (on the attached or managed cluster), and if READY is marked as True:

    kubectl get kustomizations -n pod-info-xt2sz --kubeconfig=${CLUSTER_NAME}.conf

    NAME              	  AGE    READY    STATUS
    originalpodinfo       10m    True     Applied revision: master/b3b00fe35424a45d373bf4c7214178bc36fd7872
    podinfo-source        113m   True     Applied revision: master/b3b00fe35424a45d373bf4c7214178bc36fd7872
    project               116m   True     Applied revision: main/4fbee486076778c85e14f3196e49b8766e50e6ce
    project-tls-root-ca   117m   True     Applied revision: main/4fbee486076778c85e14f3196e49b8766e50e6ce

    Note the port so that you can use to verify if the app is deployed correctly (on the attached or managed cluster):

    kubectl get deployments,services -n pod-info-xt2sz --kubeconfig=${CLUSTER_NAME}.conf

    NAME                      READY    UP-TO-DATE    AVAILABLE    AGE
    deployment.apps/podinfo   2/2      2             2            118m
    NAME              TYPE        CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)             AGE
    service/podinfo   ClusterIP   <none>        9898/TCP,9999/TCP   118m

  9. Port forward the podinfo service (port 9898) to verify (on the attached or managed cluster): 

    kubectl port-forward svc/podinfo -n pod-info-xt2sz 9898:9898 --kubeconfig=${CLUSTER_NAME}.conf

    Forwarding from -> 9898
    Forwarding from [::1]:9898 -> 9898
    Handling connection for 9898
    Handling connection for 9898
    Handling connection for 9898
  10. Open a browser and type in localhost:9898. A successful deployment of the podinfo app gives you this page:

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.