Attach a Cluster with no Networking Restrictions

How to attach an existing cluster that has no additional networking restrictions
Use this option when you want to attach a cluster that does not require additional access information.
From the top menu bar, select your target workspace.
On the Dashboard page, select the Add Cluster option in the Actions dropdown menu at the top right.
Select Attach Cluster.
Select the No additional networking restrictions card.
In the Cluster Configuration section, paste your kubeconfig file into the field, or select the Upload kubeconfig File button to specify the file.
The Cluster Name field will automatically populate with the name of the cluster is in the kubeconfig. You can edit this field with the name you want for your cluster.
The Context select list is populated from the kubeconfig. Select the desired context with admin privileges from the Context select list.
Add labels to classify your cluster as needed.
Select Submit to attach your cluster.