Pre-provisioned Delete Cluster
NOTE: A self-managed workload cluster cannot delete itself. If your workload cluster is self-managed, you must create a bootstrap cluster and move the cluster lifecycle services to the bootstrap cluster before deleting the workload cluster.
If you did not make your workload cluster self-managed, as described in Make New Cluster Self-Managed, see Delete the workload cluster.
Prepare to Delete the Pre-provisioned Cluster
Follow these steps:
Create a bootstrap cluster:
The bootstrap cluster will host the Cluster API controllers that reconcile the cluster objects marked for deletion:
NOTE: To avoid using the wrong kubeconfig, the following steps use explicit kubeconfig paths and contexts.
CODEdkp create bootstrap --kubeconfig $HOME/.kube/config
CODE✓ Creating a bootstrap cluster ✓ Initializing new CAPI components
Move the Cluster API objects from the workload to the bootstrap cluster: The cluster lifecycle services on the bootstrap cluster are ready, but the workload cluster configuration is on the workload cluster. The
command moves the configuration, which takes the form of Cluster API Custom Resource objects, from the workload to the bootstrap cluster. This process is also called a Pivot.CODEdkp move capi-resources \ --from-kubeconfig ${CLUSTER_NAME}.conf \ --from-context ${CLUSTER_NAME}-admin@${CLUSTER_NAME} \ --to-kubeconfig $HOME/.kube/config \ --to-context kind-konvoy-capi-bootstrapper
CODE✓ Moving cluster resources You can now view resources in the moved cluster by using the --kubeconfig flag with kubectl. For example: kubectl --kubeconfig $HOME/.kube/config get nodes
Use the cluster lifecycle services on the workload cluster to check the workload cluster status by running the following command:
CODEdkp describe cluster --kubeconfig $HOME/.kube/config -c ${CLUSTER_NAME}
CODENAME READY SEVERITY REASON SINCE MESSAGE Cluster/preprovisioned-example True 2m31s ├─ClusterInfrastructure - PreprovisionedCluster/preprovisioned-example ├─ControlPlane - KubeadmControlPlane/preprovisioned-example-control-plane True 2m31s │ ├─Machine/preprovisioned-example-control-plane-6g6nr True 2m33s │ ├─Machine/preprovisioned-example-control-plane-8lhcv True 2m33s │ └─Machine/preprovisioned-example-control-plane-kk2kg True 2m33s └─Workers └─MachineDeployment/preprovisioned-example-md-0 True 2m34s └─Machine/preprovisioned-example-md-0-77f667cd9-tnctd True 2m33s
NOTE: After moving the cluster lifecycle services to the workload cluster, remember to use dkp with the workload cluster kubeconfig.
Wait for the cluster control-plane to be ready. Run the command below and wait for the condition to be met:
CODEkubectl --kubeconfig $HOME/.kube/config wait --for=condition=controlplaneready "clusters/${CLUSTER_NAME}" --timeout=20m condition met
Persistent Volumes (PVs) are not deleted automatically by design in order to preserve your data. However, they take up storage space if not deleted. You must delete PVs manually. Information for backup of a cluster and PVs is on the page in documentation called Back up your Cluster's Applications and Persistent Volumes .
Delete the Workload Cluster
If you have a need to remove the Kubernetes cluster, such as for environment cleanup, use this command to delete the provisioned Kubernetes cluster.
To delete a cluster, you would use
dkp delete cluster
and pass in the name of the cluster you are trying to delete with--cluster-name
flag. You would usekubectl get clusters
to get those details (--cluster-name
) of the Kubernetes cluster to delete it.
NOTE: Do not usedkp get clusters
since that gets you Kommander cluster details rather than Konvoy kubernetes cluster details.CODEkubectl get clusters
Delete the Kubernetes cluster and wait a few minutes:
NOTE: Before deleting the cluster, dkp deletes all Services of type LoadBalancer on the cluster. Each Service is backed by an AWS Classic ELB. Deleting the Service deletes the ELB that backs it. To skip this step, use the flag
. Do not skip this step if the VPC is managed by DKP. When DKP deletes the cluster, it deletes the VPC. If the VPC has any AWS Classic ELBs, AWS does not allow the VPC to be deleted, and DKP cannot delete the cluster.CODEdkp delete cluster --cluster-name=${CLUSTER_NAME} --kubeconfig $HOME/.kube/config
CODE✓ Deleting Services with type LoadBalancer for Cluster default/preprovisioned-example ✓ Deleting ClusterResourceSets for Cluster default/preprovisioned-example ✓ Deleting cluster resources ✓ Waiting for cluster to be fully deleted Deleted default/preprovisioned-example cluster
Delete the bootstrap cluster
After you have moved the workload resources back to a bootstrap cluster and deleted the workload cluster, you no longer need the bootstrap cluster. You can safely delete the bootstrap cluster with this command:
Use dkp
with the bootstrap cluster to delete the workload cluster. Delete the kind
Kubernetes cluster:
dkp delete bootstrap --kubeconfig $HOME/.kube/config
✓ Deleting bootstrap cluster