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AI Navigator User Agreement and Guidelines

Introducing the AI Navigator - engineered with the power of AI and models that include our product documentation and Support knowledge base, this chatbot ensures real-time, interactive communication to answer a wide range of user queries. The chatbot is offered for Internet-connected environments regardless of DKP license type.

Use of the AI Navigator requires that you are logged in to a licensed copy of DKP 2.6.0 or later.

You can access the AI Navigator application from the icon in the lower right corner of the DKP UI.

Accept the User Agreement

When you first access the DKP AI Navigator, it displays the user agreement for acceptance:

This graphics shows the full Acknowledgement text for the chatbot agent, which reminds you not to share personal, sensitive, or confidential information through the chatbot. Two buttons at the bottom of the user interface panel allow you to agree and thus use the chatbot, or to decline and not use the chatbot.

Any use of the chatbot is pursuant to your acceptance of this agreement. If you select No, not now to decline, you cannot use AI Navigator.

Guidelines for Using AI Navigator

As with all AI engines, you should NOT enter sensitive information, including:

  • Full names, addresses, or other personally identifying information (PII)

  • Technical secrets, such as:

    • Actual server names

    • Real IP addresses

    • Private keys

    • Access tokens

    • …any other technical details that might be useful to malevolent actors

  • Government ID numbers

  • Corporate, financial, or investment information

  • Company Confidential information

  • Company credentials, including actual usernames or passwords

  • Secured or classified information

…and so on.

Your company or organization may have specific rules about the kinds of prompts you should enter. Refer to your company or organization’s specific guidelines for additional information.

You can read more here on creating good prompts for use with AI Navigator.

Next Topic

AI Navigator in Installations and Upgrades

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