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Access the AI Navigator

If you chose to install the AI Navigator, you can easily access the application in environments running DKP 2.6.0 or later releases. The chatbot is installed by default in Internet-connected environments.

DKP does not offer the AI Navigator in air-gapped environments.

Open the AI Navigator

You can access the AI Navigator application from the icon in the lower right corner of the DKP user interface.

This screenshot of the main page of the DKP user interface highlights the AI Navigator icon in the lower right corner of the screen.

When you open the chatbot for the first time, it prompts you with a user agreement. You must agree to the terms to use AI Navigator. If you decline, the chatbot window closes and you cannot use it.

AI Navigator maintains your query history for the duration of your browser session, whether or not you close the AI Navigator application.

Close the AI Navigator

To close the AI Navigator, select the Close button just below the prompt entry field:

This partial screenshot shows the chatbot's 'Close' icon, a large white X in a purple circle in the screen's lower right corner.

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How to Create Good Queries

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