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Verify and Troubleshoot Configuration Status

If you want to ensure the customization for a domain and certificate is completed, or if you want to obtain more information on the status of the customization, display the status information for the KommanderCluster.

Inspect the modified KommanderCluster object:

kubectl describe kommandercluster -n <workspace_name> <cluster_name>

If the ingress is still being provisioned, the output looks similar to this:

  Last Transition Time:  2022-06-24T07:48:31Z
  Message:               Ingress service object was not found in the cluster
  Reason:                IngressServiceNotFound
  Status:                False
  Type:                  IngressAddressReady

If the provisioning has been completed, the output looks similar to this:

  Last Transition Time:  2022-06-28T13:43:33Z
  Message:               Ingress service address has been provisioned
  Reason:                IngressServiceAddressFound
  Status:                True
  Type:                  IngressAddressReady
  Last Transition Time:  2022-06-28T13:42:24Z
  Message:               Certificate is up to date and has not expired
  Reason:                Ready
  Status:                True
  Type:                  IngressCertificateReady

The same command also prints the actual customized values for the KommanderCluster.Status.Ingress. Here is an example:

    caBundle: LS0tLS1CRUdJTiBD...<output has been shortened>...DQVRFLS0tLS0K

Related Topics

Why Should you set up a Custom Domain or Certificate?

Configuration Example with Let's Encrypt

Configure Custom Domains or Custom Certificates

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