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EKS Quick Start

This guide provides instructions for getting started with DKP to get your Kubernetes cluster up and running with basic configuration requirements on an Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) public cloud instance. If you want to customize your EKS environment, see EKS Advanced Install.

DKP Prerequisites

Before you begin using DKP, you must have:

On macOS, Docker runs in a virtual machine. Configure this virtual machine with at least 8GB of memory.

AWS Prerequisites

Before you begin using DKP with AWS, you must have:

  • A valid AWS account with credentials configured.

  • Installation of aws-iam-authenticator. This binary is used to access your cluster using kubectl. Amazon EKS uses IAM to provide authentication to your Kubernetes cluster.

  • Create an IAM policy configuration.

  • Export the AWS region where you want to deploy the cluster:

    export AWS_REGION=us-west-2


  • Export the AWS profile with the credentials you want to use to create the Kubernetes cluster:

    export AWS_PROFILE=<profile>

    See the AWS site for more information about AWS credentials.

EKS for DKP 2.4.x is compatible with Kubernetes 1.23.x because EKS uses its own Kubernetes release cycle.

Configure EKS Prerequisites

Follow these steps:

  1. Follow the steps in EKS Cluster IAM Policy and Roles Configuration.

  2. Export the AWS region where you want to deploy the EKS cluster:

    export AWS_REGION=us-west-2
  3. Export the AWS Profile with the credentials that you want to use to create the EKS Kubernetes cluster:

    export AWS_PROFILE=<profile>

Name Your Cluster

Give your cluster a unique name suitable for your environment. In EKS it is critical that the name is unique as no two clusters in the same EKS account can have the same name.

Set the environment variable to be used throughout this documentation:

export CLUSTER_NAME=eks-example

Follow these steps:

  1. (Optional) To get a list of names in use in your EKS account, use the aws CLI tool. For example:

    aws ec2 describe-vpcs --filter "Name=tag-key," --query "Vpcs[*].Tags[?Key==''].Value | sort(@[*][0])"

  2. (Optional) If you want to create a cluster name that matches the example above, use this command. This creates a unique name every time you run it, so use the command with forethought.

    export CLUSTER_NAME=eks-example-$(LC_CTYPE=C tr -dc 'a-z0-9' </dev/urandom | fold -w 5 | head -n1)
    echo $CLUSTER_NAME


Create a New EKS Kubernetes Cluster

Follow these steps:

  1. Make sure your AWS credentials are up to date. If you are using User Profiles, you must refresh the credentials using the command in Step 1. Otherwise, proceed to Step 2.

    dkp update bootstrap credentials aws
  2. Create a Kubernetes cluster:

    dkp create cluster eks --cluster-name=${CLUSTER_NAME} --additional-tags=owner=$(whoami)

    If your environment uses HTTP/HTTPS proxies, you must include the flags --http-proxy, --https-proxy, and --no-proxy and their related values in this command for it to be successful. More information is available in Configure HTTP Proxy.
    The output resembles:

    Generating cluster resources created created created created created created
    configmap/calico-cni-installation-eks-example created
    configmap/tigera-operator-eks-example created created
    configmap/cluster-autoscaler-eks-example created created
    configmap/node-feature-discovery-eks-example created created
    configmap/nvidia-feature-discovery-eks-example created
  3. (Optional) Specify an authorized key file to have SSH access to the machines.

    The file must contain exactly one entry, as described in this manual.

    You can use the .pub file that complements your private ssh key. For example, use the public key that complements your RSA private key:


    The default username for SSH access is konvoy. For example, use your own username:

  4. Wait for the cluster control-plane to be ready:

    kubectl wait --for=condition=ControlPlaneReady "clusters/${CLUSTER_NAME}" --timeout=20m

    CODE condition met

Explore the New Kubernetes Cluster

Follow these steps:

  1. Fetch the kubeconfig file:

    dkp get kubeconfig -c ${CLUSTER_NAME} > ${CLUSTER_NAME}.conf
  2. List the Nodes with the command:

    kubectl --kubeconfig=${CLUSTER_NAME}.conf get nodes

    NAME                                         STATUS   ROLES    AGE   VERSION   Ready    <none>   32s   v1.21.5-eks-9017834    Ready    <none>   42s   v1.21.5-eks-9017834    Ready    <none>   46s   v1.21.5-eks-9017834     Ready    <none>   51s   v1.21.5-eks-9017834

    NOTE: It may take a couple of minutes for the Status to move to Ready while calico-node pods are being deployed.

  3. List the Pods with the command:

    kubectl --kubeconfig=${CLUSTER_NAME}.conf get pods -A

    NAMESPACE                NAME                                             READY   STATUS     RESTARTS   AGE
    calico-system            calico-kube-controllers-69845d4df5-sc9vq         1/1     Running    0          44s
    calico-system            calico-node-5lppw                                1/1     Running    0          44s
    calico-system            calico-node-dwbfj                                1/1     Running    0          44s
    calico-system            calico-node-q6tg6                                1/1     Running    0          44s
    calico-system            calico-node-rbm7c                                1/1     Running    0          44s
    calico-system            calico-typha-68c68c96d-tcrxn                     1/1     Running    0          35s
    calico-system            calico-typha-68c68c96d-xhrjv                     1/1     Running    0          44s
    kube-system              aws-node-25bnt                                   1/1     Running    0          80s
    kube-system              aws-node-dr4b7                                   1/1     Running    0          89s
    kube-system              aws-node-mmn87                                   1/1     Running    0          70s
    kube-system              aws-node-z6cdb                                   1/1     Running    0          84s
    kube-system              cluster-autoscaler-68c759fbf6-zszxr              0/1     Init:0/1   0          9m50s
    kube-system              coredns-85d5b4454c-n54rq                         1/1     Running    0          12m
    kube-system              coredns-85d5b4454c-xzd9w                         1/1     Running    0          12m
    kube-system              kube-proxy-4bhzp                                 1/1     Running    0          84s
    kube-system              kube-proxy-5hkv9                                 1/1     Running    0          80s
    kube-system              kube-proxy-g82d7                                 1/1     Running    0          70s
    kube-system              kube-proxy-h2jv5                                 1/1     Running    0          89s
    node-feature-discovery   node-feature-discovery-master-84c67dcbb6-s6874   1/1     Running    0          9m50s
    node-feature-discovery   node-feature-discovery-worker-677hh              1/1     Running    0          69s
    node-feature-discovery   node-feature-discovery-worker-fvjwz              1/1     Running    0          49s
    node-feature-discovery   node-feature-discovery-worker-xcgvt              1/1     Running    0          64s
    node-feature-discovery   node-feature-discovery-worker-zctnz              1/1     Running    0          60s
    tigera-operator          tigera-operator-d499f5c8f-b56xn                  1/1     Running    1          9m47s

Install Kommander and Log in to the UI

You can now proceed to installing the UI with Kommander and applications. After installation, you will be able to log in to the UI to explore it.

Delete the Kubernetes Cluster and Cleanup Your Environment

  1. Delete the provisioned Kubernetes cluster and wait a few minutes:

    dkp delete cluster --cluster-name=${CLUSTER_NAME}

    ✓ Deleting Services with type LoadBalancer for Cluster default/eks-example
    ✓ Deleting ClusterResourceSets for Cluster default/eks-example
    ✓ Deleting cluster resources
    ✓ Waiting for cluster to be fully deleted
    Deleted default/eks-example cluster

  2. Delete the kind Kubernetes cluster:

    dkp delete bootstrap --kubeconfig $HOME/.kube/config

    ✓ Deleting bootstrap cluster

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