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AKS Quick Start

Get started by installing a cluster with the default configuration settings on AKS.

This guide provides instructions for getting started with DKP to get your Kubernetes cluster up and running with basic configuration requirements on an Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) public cloud instance. If you want to customize your AKS environment, see Install AKS Advanced.

DKP Prerequisites

Before starting the DKP installation, verify that you have:

AKS Prerequisites

Follow these steps:

  1. Log in to Azure:

    az login

        "cloudName": "AzureCloud",
        "homeTenantId": "a1234567-b132-1234-1a11-1234a5678b90",
        "id": "b1234567-abcd-11a1-a0a0-1234a5678b90",
        "isDefault": true,
        "managedByTenants": [],
        "name": "Mesosphere Developer Subscription",
        "state": "Enabled",
        "tenantId": "a1234567-b132-1234-1a11-1234a5678b90",
        "user": {
          "name": "",
          "type": "user"
  2. Create an Azure Service Principal (SP) by running the following command:

    NOTE: If an SP with the name exists, this command will rotate the password.

    az ad sp create-for-rbac --role contributor --name "$(whoami)-konvoy" --scopes=/subscriptions/$(az account show --query id -o tsv)

      "appId": "7654321a-1a23-567b-b789-0987b6543a21",
      "displayName": "azure-cli-2021-03-09-23-17-06",
      "password": "Z79yVstq_E.R0R7RUUck718vEHSuyhAB0C",
      "tenant": "a1234567-b132-1234-1a11-1234a5678b90"
  3. Set the required environment variables:

    export AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID="<id>"       # b1234567-abcd-11a1-a0a0-1234a5678b90
    export AZURE_TENANT_ID="<tenant>"         # a1234567-b132-1234-1a11-1234a5678b90
    export AZURE_CLIENT_ID="<appId>"          # 7654321a-1a23-567b-b789-0987b6543a21
    export AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET="<password>"   # Z79yVstq_E.R0R7RUUck718vEHSuyhAB0C
  4. Base64 encode the same environment variables:

    export AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID_B64="$(echo -n "${AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID}" | base64 | tr -d '\n')"
    export AZURE_TENANT_ID_B64="$(echo -n "${AZURE_TENANT_ID}" | base64 | tr -d '\n')"
    export AZURE_CLIENT_ID_B64="$(echo -n "${AZURE_CLIENT_ID}" | base64 | tr -d '\n')"
    export AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET_B64="$(echo -n "${AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET}" | base64 | tr -d '\n')"
  5. Check to see what version of Kubernetes is available in your region. When deploying with AKS, you must declare the version of Kubernetes you want to use by running the following command, substituting <your-location> for the Azure region you're deploying to:

    az aks get-versions -o table --location <your-location>
  6. Set the version of Kubernetes you chose. The version listed in the command is an example:

    export KUBERNETES_VERSION=1.24.3

Using Kubernetes v1.23.x is recommended for AKS.

Kubernetes Version



None available




1.24.3, 1.24.6


1.23.12, 1.24.3, 1.24.6


1.23.8, 1.23.12


1.22.15, 1.23.8, 1.23.12

Name Your Cluster

Give your cluster a unique name suitable for your environment. In AKS it is critical that the name is unique as no two clusters in the same AKS account can have the same name.

To increase Docker Hub's rate limit use your Docker Hub credentials when creating the cluster, by setting the following flag:
--registry-mirror-url= --registry-mirror-username=<username> --registry-mirror-password=<password> on dkp create cluster.

  1. Set the environment variable to be used throughout this documentation:

    export CLUSTER_NAME=aks-example
  2. Modify dkp create cluster aks to include the Kubernetes version and execute against the self-managed cluster:

    dkp create cluster aks --cluster-name=${CLUSTER_NAME} --additional-tags=owner=$(whoami) --kubernetes-version=${KUBERNETES_VERSION} KUBECONFIG=${SELF_MANAGED_AZ_CLUSTER}.yaml

Create a New AKS Kubernetes Cluster

  1. Create a Kubernetes cluster and execute this command:

    dkp create cluster aks --cluster-name=${CLUSTER_NAME} --additional-tags=owner=$(whoami)

    If your environment uses HTTP/HTTPS proxies, you must include the flags --http-proxy, --https-proxy, and --no-proxy and their related values in this command for it to be successful. More information is available in Configure HTTP Proxy.
    The output resembles:

    Generating cluster resources created created created created created created created created
    configmap/cluster-autoscaler-aks-example created created
    configmap/node-feature-discovery-aks-example created created
    configmap/nvidia-feature-discovery-aks-example created
  2. (Optional) Specify an authorized key file to have SSH access to the machines.

    The file must contain exactly one entry, as described in this manual.

    You can use the .pub file that complements your private ssh key. For example, use the public key that complements your RSA private key:


    The default username for SSH access is konvoy. For example, use your own username:

  3. Wait for the cluster control-plane to be ready:

    kubectl wait --for=condition=ControlPlaneReady "clusters/${CLUSTER_NAME}" --timeout=20m

    CODE condition met

Pivoting is not supported in AKS.

Explore the New Kubernetes Cluster

Follow these steps:

  1. Fetch the kubeconfig file:

    dkp get kubeconfig -c ${CLUSTER_NAME} > ${CLUSTER_NAME}.conf
  2. List the Nodes with the command:

    kubectl --kubeconfig=${CLUSTER_NAME}.conf get nodes

    NAME                              STATUS   ROLES   AGE   VERSION
    aks-cp4n2bm-57672902-vmss000000   Ready    agent   28m   v1.22.6
    aks-cp4n2bm-57672902-vmss000001   Ready    agent   29m   v1.22.6
    aks-cp4n2bm-57672902-vmss000002   Ready    agent   29m   v1.22.6
    aks-mpn6l25-57672902-vmss000000   Ready    agent   29m   v1.22.6
    aks-mpn6l25-57672902-vmss000001   Ready    agent   29m   v1.22.6
    aks-mpn6l25-57672902-vmss000002   Ready    agent   29m   v1.22.6
    aks-mpn6l25-57672902-vmss000003   Ready    agent   29m   v1.22.6

    NOTE: It may take a couple of minutes for the Status to move to Ready while calico-node pods are being deployed.

  3. List the Pods with the command:

    kubectl --kubeconfig=${CLUSTER_NAME}.conf get pods -A

    NAMESPACE                NAME                                             READY   STATUS     RESTARTS   AGE
    calico-system            calico-kube-controllers-78f65cd5dd-5m6t2         1/1     Running    0          28m
    calico-system            calico-node-27h8r                                1/1     Running    0          28m
    calico-system            calico-node-cn4zw                                1/1     Running    0          28m
    calico-system            calico-node-fgsqx                                1/1     Running    0          28m
    calico-system            calico-node-htr4f                                1/1     Running    0          28m
    calico-system            calico-node-l7skw                                1/1     Running    0          28m
    calico-system            calico-node-mn67v                                1/1     Running    0          28m
    calico-system            calico-node-z626n                                1/1     Running    0          28m
    calico-system            calico-typha-b6c9c78f4-hcnmd                     1/1     Running    0          28m
    calico-system            calico-typha-b6c9c78f4-pz52w                     1/1     Running    0          28m
    calico-system            calico-typha-b6c9c78f4-xknwt                     1/1     Running    0          28m
    kube-system              azure-ip-masq-agent-9hxsr                        1/1     Running    0          30m
    kube-system              azure-ip-masq-agent-bh5m6                        1/1     Running    0          31m
    kube-system              azure-ip-masq-agent-c6s4v                        1/1     Running    0          31m
    kube-system              azure-ip-masq-agent-gg77k                        1/1     Running    0          30m
    kube-system              azure-ip-masq-agent-k5sl8                        1/1     Running    0          31m
    kube-system              azure-ip-masq-agent-mmpsp                        1/1     Running    0          31m
    kube-system              azure-ip-masq-agent-z4n24                        1/1     Running    0          31m
    kube-system              cloud-node-manager-42shm                         1/1     Running    0          31m
    kube-system              cloud-node-manager-b9scr                         1/1     Running    0          30m
    kube-system              cloud-node-manager-ccmwl                         1/1     Running    0          31m
    kube-system              cloud-node-manager-csrml                         1/1     Running    0          31m
    kube-system              cloud-node-manager-gkv6x                         1/1     Running    0          31m
    kube-system              cloud-node-manager-ttxz7                         1/1     Running    0          30m
    kube-system              cloud-node-manager-twlh8                         1/1     Running    0          31m
    kube-system              cluster-autoscaler-68c759fbf6-cnkkp              0/1     Init:0/1   0          29m
    kube-system              coredns-845757d86-brpzs                          1/1     Running    0          33m
    kube-system              coredns-845757d86-nqmlc                          1/1     Running    0          31m
    kube-system              coredns-autoscaler-7d56cd888-8bc28               1/1     Running    0          33m
    kube-system              csi-azuredisk-node-4bl85                         3/3     Running    0          30m
    kube-system              csi-azuredisk-node-8dw5n                         3/3     Running    0          31m
    kube-system              csi-azuredisk-node-bg2kb                         3/3     Running    0          31m
    kube-system              csi-azuredisk-node-fr9bm                         3/3     Running    0          31m
    kube-system              csi-azuredisk-node-nm4k9                         3/3     Running    0          31m
    kube-system              csi-azuredisk-node-twvcv                         3/3     Running    0          31m
    kube-system              csi-azuredisk-node-wgds6                         3/3     Running    0          30m
    kube-system              csi-azurefile-node-5xv28                         3/3     Running    0          31m
    kube-system              csi-azurefile-node-9nl7n                         3/3     Running    0          31m
    kube-system              csi-azurefile-node-c6mn9                         3/3     Running    0          31m
    kube-system              csi-azurefile-node-q69zr                         3/3     Running    0          31m
    kube-system              csi-azurefile-node-q894n                         3/3     Running    0          31m
    kube-system              csi-azurefile-node-v2rmj                         3/3     Running    0          30m
    kube-system              csi-azurefile-node-wkgck                         3/3     Running    0          30m
    kube-system              kube-proxy-5kd77                                 1/1     Running    0          31m
    kube-system              kube-proxy-96jfn                                 1/1     Running    0          30m
    kube-system              kube-proxy-96pj6                                 1/1     Running    0          30m
    kube-system              kube-proxy-b8vzs                                 1/1     Running    0          31m
    kube-system              kube-proxy-fqnw4                                 1/1     Running    0          31m
    kube-system              kube-proxy-rvpp8                                 1/1     Running    0          31m
    kube-system              kube-proxy-sfqnm                                 1/1     Running    0          31m
    kube-system              metrics-server-6576d9ccf8-kfm5q                  1/1     Running    0          33m
    kube-system              tunnelfront-78777b4fd6-g84wp                     1/1     Running    0          27m
    node-feature-discovery   node-feature-discovery-master-84c67dcbb6-vgxfm   1/1     Running    0          29m
    node-feature-discovery   node-feature-discovery-worker-2htgg              1/1     Running    0          29m
    node-feature-discovery   node-feature-discovery-worker-5cpnt              1/1     Running    0          29m
    node-feature-discovery   node-feature-discovery-worker-6cjvb              1/1     Running    0          29m
    node-feature-discovery   node-feature-discovery-worker-jdmkj              1/1     Running    0          29m
    node-feature-discovery   node-feature-discovery-worker-ms749              1/1     Running    0          29m
    node-feature-discovery   node-feature-discovery-worker-p2z55              1/1     Running    0          29m
    node-feature-discovery   node-feature-discovery-worker-wnwfx              1/1     Running    0          29m
    tigera-operator          tigera-operator-74d785cb58-vbr4d                 1/1     Running    0          33m

Install and Log in to the UI

You can now install the UI with Kommander and applications. After installation, you will be able to log in to the UI to explore it.

Delete the Kubernetes Cluster and Cleanup your Environment

Follow these steps:

  1. Delete the provisioned Kubernetes cluster and wait a few minutes:

    dkp delete cluster --cluster-name=${CLUSTER_NAME}

    ✓ Deleting Services with type LoadBalancer for Cluster default/aks-example
    ✓ Deleting ClusterResourceSets for Cluster default/aks-example
    ✓ Deleting cluster resources
    ✓ Waiting for cluster to be fully deleted
    Deleted default/aks-example cluster
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