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Minimum User Permissions

Create minimum required roles for provisioning and installing in vSphere

When a user needs permissions less than Admin, a role must be created. The process for configuring a vSphere role with the least permissions for provisioning nodes and installing includes the following steps:

  1. Open a vSphere Client connection to the vCenter Server, described in the Prerequisites.

  2. Select Home > Administration > Roles > New.

  3. Give the new role a name, then select these Privileges:

    • Datastore

      • Allocate space

    • Network

      • Assign network

    • Resource

      • Assign virtual machine to resource pool

    • Virtual machine

      • Change Configuration

      • Add new disk

      • Add or remove device

      • Advanced configuration

      • Change CPU count

      • Change Memory

      • Change Settings

      • Reload from path

    • Edit inventory

      • Create from existing

      • Remove

    • Interaction

      • Power off

      • Power on

    • Provisioning

      • Clone template

      • Deploy template

    • Session

      • ValidateSession

  4. Add the permission at the highest level and set to propagate the permissions.

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