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Kommander Installation


Before you begin using the Kommander UI, you must:

Default StorageClass

To ensure the Git repository that Kommander ships with deploys successfully, the cluster where Kommander is installed must have a default StorageClass configured. Run the following command:

kubectl get sc

The output should look similar to this. Note the (default) after the name:

ebs-sc (default)   Delete          WaitForFirstConsumer   false                  41s

If the StorageClass is not set as default, add the following annotation to the StorageClass manifest:

annotations: "true"

More information on setting a StorageClass as default can be found at Changing the default storage class in k8s docs.

Install Kommander on Konvoy

To customize a Kommander installation, see the Kommander Install Configuration for more details.

Before running the commands below, ensure that your kubectl configuration references the cluster on which you want to install Kommander, otherwise it will install on the bootstrap cluster. You can do this by setting the KUBECONFIG environment variable to the appropriate kubeconfig file’s location.

NOTE: An alternative to initializing the KUBECONFIG environment variable as stated earlier is to use the --kubeconfig=cluster_name.conf flag. This ensures that Kommander is installed on the workload cluster.

Begin with this command:

dkp install kommander

Verify Installation

Once the Konvoy cluster is built and Kommander has been installed, you will want to verify your installation of Kommander in that section of documentation.

For other environments, see the section of documentation called Advanced Kommander Configuration.

Next Step

Log in to the UI with Kommander

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