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Install Overview

Before you begin

Before you create a DKP image and deploy the initial DKP cluster, the operator's machine is required to be either an OSX or Linux based machine of a supported version.

For DKP and Konvoy Image Builder to run, the operator machine requires:

DKP expects permissions on the cloud provider being used. See Advanced Konvoy Configuration for more information on your provider permissions needed.  Also see the Supported Operating Systems page for further setup requirements.


Follow the steps below to install the basic DKP package before you can being any custom configuration based on your environment.

  1. Install required packages. In most cases, you can install the required software using your preferred package manager. For example, on a macOS computer, you can use Homebrew to install kubectl and the aws command-line utility by running the following command:

    brew install kubernetes-cli awscli
  2. Check the Kubernetes client version. Many important Kubernetes functions do not work if your client is outdated. You can verify that the version of kubectl you have installed is supported by running the following command:

    kubectl version --short=true
  3. To download DKP, see the Download topic for information. You will need to download and extract the DKP binary package tarball.

  4. Verify you have valid cloud provider security credentials to deploy the cluster on that platform.

    NOTE: This step regarding provider security credentials is not required if you are installing DKP on an on-premises environment. For information about installing in an on-premises environment, see Install on-premises.

  5. Deploy with all of the default settings depending on which infrastructure you have.

  6. Proceed to the Advanced Konvoy Configuration section of the documentation for further steps on creating a cluster with the Konvoy component of DKP on your infrastructure provider listed in that section.

  7. Now that you have a basic DKP cluster installed through Konvoy, you configure the Kommander component.

  8. Last, continue with install configuration through sections of documentation under the Kommander component of DKP.

Next Step:

Deploy Cluster in Konvoy

Now that you have a basic DKP cluster installed and ready to use, you might want to test operations by deploying a simple, sample application, customizing the cluster configuration, or checking the status of cluster components.

For more details, see the following topics:

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