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Enable Workspace-level Logging

How to enable Workspace-level Logging for use with DKP.

Logging is disabled by default on managed and attached clusters. You will need to enable logging features explicitly at the Workspace level, if you want to capture and view log data.

You must perform these procedures to enable multi-tenant logging at the Project level as well.


Before you begin, you must:

  • Be a cluster administrator with permissions to configure cluster-level platform services.

  • Set a default storage class on each attached cluster for successful Loki deployment.

Enable Workspace-level logging

The steps required to enable multi-tenant logging include:

  1. Create the AppDeployments to enable logging.

  2. Verify that the cluster’s logging stack is installed.

  3. View a cluster’s log data.

To get started with logging, create the AppDeployments using the CLI. You can also use instructions in DKP UI to Enable Logging Applications. When Workspace-level logging is fully-configured and operational, then you can configure Kommander to enable Multi-tenant Logging, if needed.

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