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Install Kommander in a Pre-provisioned, Non-air-gapped Environment

Install the Kommander component of DKP in pre-provisioned, non-air-gapped environments.


  • Ensure you have reviewed all Prerequisites for Install.

  • Ensure you have a default StorageClass.

  • Note down the name of the cluster, where you want to install Kommander. If you do not know it, use kubectl get clusters -A to display it.

You MUST modify the Kommander installer configuration file (kommander.yaml) before installing the Kommander component of DKP in a pre-provisioned environment.

Create and Customize your Kommander Installer Configuration File

  1. Set the environment variable for your cluster:

    export CLUSTER_NAME=<your-management-cluster-name>
  2. Copy the kubeconfig file of your Management cluster to your local directory:

    dkp get kubeconfig -c ${CLUSTER_NAME} > ${CLUSTER_NAME}.conf
  3. Create a configuration file for the deployment:

    dkp install kommander --init > kommander.yaml 
  4. Edit the installer file to include configuration overrides for the rook-ceph-cluster. DKP’s default configuration ships Ceph with PVC based storage which requires your CSI provider to support PVC with type volumeMode: Block. As this is not possible with the default local static provisioner, you can install Ceph in host storage mode.

    You can choose whether Ceph’s object storage daemon (osd) pods should consume all or just some of the devices on your nodes. Include one of the following Overrides:

    1. To automatically assign all raw storage devices on all nodes to the Ceph cluster:

          enabled: true
          values: |
                storageClassDeviceSets: []
                useAllDevices: true
                useAllNodes: true
                deviceFilter: "<<value>>"
    2. To assign specific storage devices on all nodes to the Ceph cluster:

          enabled: true
          values: |
                storageClassDeviceSets: []
                useAllNodes: true
                useAllDevices: false
                deviceFilter: "^sdb."

      (info) Note: If you want to assign specific devices to specific nodes using the deviceFilter option, refer to Specific Nodes and Devices. For general information on the deviceFilter value, refer to Storage Selection Settings.

  5. If required: Customize your kommander.yaml.
    (info) See Kommander Customizations for customization options. Some of them include:
    Custom Domains and Certificates, HTTP proxy, External Load Balancer, GPU utilization, etc.

  6. If required: If your cluster uses a custom AWS VPC and requires an internal load-balancer, set the traefik annotation to create an internal-facing ELB:

        enabled: true
        values: |
  7. Expand one of the following sets of instructions, depending on your license and application environments:

Essential License: Install Kommander in a Pre-provisioned, Non-Air-Gapped Environment

Essential License: Install Kommander

Use the customized kommander.yaml to install DKP:

dkp install kommander --installer-config kommander.yaml --kubeconfig=${CLUSTER_NAME}.conf


Enterprise License: Install Kommander in a Pre-provisioned, Non-air-gapped Environment with DKP Catalog Applications

Enterprise License: Install Kommander with DKP Catalog Applications

If you want to enable DKP Catalog applications after installing DKP, see Enable DKP Catalog Applications after Installing DKP.

  1. In the same kommander.yaml of the previous section, add these values for dkp-catalog-applications:

        - name: dkp-catalog-applications
              tag: v2.6.0

    (warning) If you only want to enable catalog applications to an existing configuration, add these values to an existing installer configuration file to maintain your Management cluster’s settings.

  2. Use the customized kommander.yaml to install DKP:

    dkp install kommander --installer-config kommander.yaml --kubeconfig=${CLUSTER_NAME}.conf


Tips and recommendations

  • The --kubeconfig=${CLUSTER_NAME}.conf flag ensures that you install Kommander on the correct cluster. For alternatives, see Provide Context for Commands with a kubeconfig File.

  • Applications can take longer to deploy, and time out the installation. Add the --wait-timeout <time to wait> flag and specify a period of time (for example, 1h) to allocate more time to the deployment of applications.

  • If the Kommander installation fails, or you wish to reconfigure applications, rerun the install command to retry.

Next Step:

Verify Kommander Installation

See (2.6) DKP Insights if you want to enable a solution that detects current and future anomalies in workload configurations or Kubernetes clusters.

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