Enterprise: Upgrade Managed Clusters
Upgrade Managed Clusters

If you have managed clusters, follow these steps to upgrade each cluster similar to the management cluster process order:
Using the kubeconfig of your management cluster, find your cluster name and be sure to copy the information for all of your clusters:
CODEkubectl get clusters -A
Set your cluster variable:
CODEexport CLUSTER_NAME=<your-managed-cluster-name>
Set your cluster's workspace variable:
CODEexport CLUSTER_WORKSPACE=<your-workspace-namespace>
Then, upgrade the core addons (replacing
with whatever infrastructure provider you would be using):CODEdkp upgrade addons aws --cluster-name=${CLUSTER_NAME} -n ${CLUSTER_WORKSPACE}
Upgrade Kubernetes Version on a Managed Cluster
After you complete the previous steps for all managed clusters and you update your core addons, begin upgrading the Kubernetes version.
You should first complete the upgrade of your Kommander Management Cluster before upgrading any managed clusters.
Use this command to begin upgrading the Kubernetes version:
dkp update controlplane aws --cluster-name=${CLUSTER_NAME} --kubernetes-version=v1.26.14 -n ${CLUSTER_WORKSPACE}
Get a list of all node pools available in your cluster by running the following command:
dkp get nodepools -c ${CLUSTER_NAME} -n ${CLUSTER_WORKSPACE}
export NODEPOOL_NAME=<my-nodepool>
Use this command to upgrade the node pools:
dkp update nodepool aws ${NODEPOOL_NAME} --cluster-name=${CLUSTER_NAME} --kubernetes-version=v1.26.14 -n ${CLUSTER_WORKSPACE}
Upgrade Attached Cluster
Since any attached clusters you have are managed by their corresponding cloud provider, none of the components would be upgraded using the DKP process. The tool used to create the cluster is used to upgrade it. Ensure that it has the Kubernetes version that is compatible with the versions we support.