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DKP 2.6.2 Features and Enhancements

The following improvements are included in this release.

Kubernetes 1.26.14 Support

Kubernetes 1.26.14 enables you to benefit from the latest features and security fixes in upstream Kubernetes. This release of Kubernetes comes with approximately 40 enhancements from which you can benefit.

To read more about major features in this release, visit this page and Kubernetes v1.26 Electrifying.

AWS Custom AMI Required

Previous versions of DKP would default to using upstream AMIs published by the CAPA (Cluster API AWS) project when building AWS clusters if you did not specify your own AMI. However, those images are not currently available for the Kubernetes version used in the 2.6.2 patch release.

As a result, starting with this release of DKP, the behavior of the DKP create cluster aws command has been changed. It no longer defaults to using the upstream AMIs and instead requires that you specify an AMI built using Konvoy Image Builder (KIB), or by explicitly requesting that it use the upstream images.

For more information on using a custom AMI in cluster creation or during the upgrade process, refer to these topics:

When applying the AMI during cluster creation, there are two approaches to supplying the ID of your AMI. Either provide the ID of the AMI or provide a way for DKP to discover the AMI using location, format and OS information:

  1. Option One - Provide the ID of your AMI:

    1. Use the example command below leaving the existing flag that provides the AMI ID: --ami AMI_ID

  2. Option Two - Provide a path for your AMI with the information required for image discover:

    1. Where the AMI is published using your AWS Account ID: --ami-owner AWS_ACCOUNT_ID

    2. The format or string used to search for matching AMIs and ensure it references the Kubernetes version plus the base OS name: --ami-base-os ubuntu-20.04

    3. The base OS information: --ami-format 'example-{{.BaseOS}}-?{{.K8sVersion}}-*'

Konvoy Image Builder (KIB) Release v2.5.5

The new release of Konvoy Image Builder features:

  • Upgrade Kubernetes version to v1.26.14

AI Navigator Optional Install

With this release, the AI Navigator is optional and can be disabled at install time or uninstalled. To disable AI Navigator, modify the Kommander configuration file after generating it, to disable the ai-navigator-app entry in the apps: section of the file.

Currently, the AI Navigator is not available for air-gapped environments. For more information on the AI Navigator, refer to the documentation section for that feature: AI Navigator

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