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DKP 2.6.1 Customer Incidents and Resolved Issues

The following resolved incidents are included in this release.

Prometheus has duplicate targets for the apiserver


The default values in the kube-prometheus-stack chart included a duplicate scrape target for the Kubernetes API server. The duplicate scrape target is removed.

Running the DKP upgrade command twice causes a regression in the associated containerd secret


In DKP 2.6, if a cluster was configured with a registry-mirror and credentials, running the update controlplane command twice corrupted the value of the containerd secret. This issue has been corrected.

Pre-provisioned Upgrade failed with Flatcar

An issue was resolved that caused Kubernetes upgrades to fail when using Flatcar OS with the pre-provisioned provider.


Editing Credentials of a vSphere cluster in the DKP UI were not updated

An issue was resolved that could corrupt the configuration of vSphere clusters by editing their settings in the UI.


Limits on Capi-controller needed raised

A performance problem was resolved after being observed to occur when creating large numbers of workload clusters.


Insight alerts from an Essentials cluster converted into Managed land into the management cluster workspace

DKP resolved a problem where Insights were not displayed for Managed Clusters that had been expanded from Essential clusters.


Grafana-Loki telemetry sending data back to Grafana

DKP disabled telemetry collection settings in the configuration of Grafana-Loki and Grafana.


Increased Time to Attach Several Clusters in 2.6.0

In the 2.6.0 DKP release, when attaching clusters in a batch, there was an issue with increased time to attach several clusters. This issue has been resolved.


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