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Configure External DNS with the UI: All Clusters

These pages refer to DKP Enterprise and DKP Gov Advanced products.

This page contains information on how to configure an external-dns service to manage DNS records automatically and applies to all cluster types.


  • Ensure you have configured a DNS zone with your cloud provider.

Configure External DNS Using the UI

The configuration varies depending on your cloud provider.

  1. Select the target workspace from the top navigation bar.
    (info) It must be the workspace that contains the cluster, for which you want to configure External DNS. In the case of the Management cluster, it would be the Management cluster workspace.

  2. Select Applications from the sidebar menu.

  3. Search for the External DNS application.

  4. On the application card, select the three-dot menu > Enable.

  5. On the Enable Workspace Platform Application page, select Configuration from the sidebar menu.

  6. Copy and paste the following contents into the code editor and replace the placeholders <...> with your environment’s information.

Here is an example configuration:

AWS Example

(info) Replace the placeholders <...> with your environment's information.

(info) The following example shows how to configure external-dns to manage DNS records in AWS Route 53 automatically.

    secretKey: <secret-key>
    accessKey: <access-key>
  region: <provider-region>
  preferCNAME: true
policy: upsert-only
txtPrefix: local-
  - <>
Azure Example

(info) Replace the placeholders <...> with your environment's information.

  cloud: AzurePublicCloud
  resourceGroup: <resource-group>
  tenantId: <tenant-id>
  subscriptionId: <your-subscription-id>
  aadClientId: <client-id>
  aadClientSecret: <client-secret>
  - <>
txtPrefix: txt-
policy: sync
provider: azure

Refer to external-dns documentation for more configuration options.

Customize the Traefik Deployment Using the UI

DKP deploys Treafik to all clusters by default.

  1. Select the target workspace from the top navigation bar.
    (info) It must be the workspace that contains the cluster, for which you want to configure External DNS. In the case of the Management cluster, it would be the Management cluster workspace.

  2. Select Applications from the sidebar menu.

  3. Search for the Traefik application.

  4. On the application card, select the three-dot menu > Edit.

  5. Select the Configuration lateral tab to add a customization.

  6. Copy and paste the following configuration into the code editor:
    (info) Use the Cluster Application Configuration Override code editor to apply a configuration per cluster.

      annotations: <>

Ensure you set up a domain per cluster, for example: <>, <> and <>.

Next Step:

Verify your External DNS Configuration

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