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vSphere FIPS: Create the Management Cluster

Additional considerations exist when using FIPS. Alter the Create a Kubernetes cluster command by using the FIPS example, or similar, when executing the command to create a cluster.

Deploying a Cluster in FIPS mode

In order to create a cluster in FIPS mode, we must inform the bootstrap controllers of the appropriate image repository and version tags of the official D2iQ FIPS builds of Kubernetes.

Supported FIPS Builds








Name your Cluster

  1. Give your cluster a unique name suitable for your environment.

  2. Set the CLUSTER_NAME environment variable with the command:

    export CLUSTER_NAME=<my-vsphere-cluster>

Create a New vSphere Kubernetes Cluster

DKP uses the vsphere CSI driver as the default storage provider. Use a Kubernetes CSI compatible storage that is suitable for production.

Follow these steps to create the cluster:

  1. Use the following command to set the environment variables for vSphere:

    export VSPHERE_SERVER=example.vsphere.url
    export VSPHERE_USERNAME=user@example.vsphere.url
    export VSPHERE_PASSWORD=example_password

  2. Generate the Kubernetes cluster objects by copying and editing this command to include the correct values, including the VM template name you assigned in the previous procedure:

  • To increase Dockerhub's rate limit use your Dockerhub credentials when creating the cluster, by setting the following flag --registry-mirror-url= --registry-mirror-username= --registry-mirror-password= on the dkp create cluster command.

  • The following example shows a common configuration. See dkp create cluster reference for the full list of cluster creation options:

dkp create cluster vsphere \
  --cluster-name ${CLUSTER_NAME} \
  --network <NETWORK_NAME> \
  --control-plane-endpoint-host <xxx.yyy.zzz.000> \
  --data-center <DATACENTER_NAME> \
  --data-store <DATASTORE_NAME> \
  --folder <FOLDER_NAME> \
  --ssh-public-key-file <SSH_PUBLIC_KEY_FILE> \
  --resource-pool <RESOURCE_POOL_NAME> \
  --vm-template <TEMPLATE_NAME>
  --virtual-ip-interface <ip_interface_name> \
  --kubernetes-version=v1.25.4+fips.0 \ \ --etcd-version=3.5.5+fips.0

A self-managed cluster refers to one in which the CAPI resources and controllers that describe and manage it are running on the same cluster they are managing.

If your environment uses HTTP/HTTPS proxies, you must include the flags --http-proxy, --https-proxy, and --no-proxy and their related values in this command for it to be successful. More information is available in Configuring an HTTP/HTTPS Proxy.

Cluster Verification

If you want to monitor or verify the installation of your clusters, refer to:

Verify your Cluster and DKP Installation.

Next Step:

vSphere FIPS: Configure MetalLB

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