CLI: Convert an Essential Cluster into a Managed Cluster

Instructions on how you can convert an DKP Essential Cluster to a DKP Enterprise Managed Cluster with no Networking Restrictions via the CLI.
that contains Traefik-Forward-Authentication configuration will be not available during the expansion process, therefore, your DKP Essential cluster will not be accessible externally for several minutes. Access from within the cluster via Kubernetes service hostname (for example, http://SERVICE_NAME.NAMESPACE:PORT) is not affected.
See Downtime Considerations for more information.
Run the following command in the DKP Enterprise cluster you will have managing your clusters. The cluster name and kubeconfig is from the cluster you are attaching and want to convert to initiate the process of turning an DKP Essential cluster to a DKP Enterprise Managed cluster. The workspace is the workspace name you want the attached cluster to go into.
CODEdkp attach cluster --name <essential-cluster-name> --attached-kubeconfig <kubeconfig-file-of-essential-cluster> --workspace <workspace-name>
Verify the Conversion
Run the following commands in the Management cluster. For general guidelines on how to set the context, refer to Provide Context for Commands with a kubeconfig File.
To verify that the conversion is successful, check the
object:CODEkubectl wait --for=condition=AttachmentCompleted kommandercluster <cluster name> -n ${WORKSPACE_NAMESPACE} --timeout 30m
The following output appears if the conversion is successful:<cluster name> condition met
After conversion, all Platform Applications will be in the kommander
namespace in the Managed Cluster.
Next Steps
Post Conversion Cleanup: Cluster Autoscaler Configuration