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Create CAPI Components with HTTP/HTTPS Proxy Settings

Creating CAPI components for a DKP cluster from the command line requires HTTP/HTTPS proxy information, if your environment is proxied.

If you created a cluster without using the --self-managed flag, the cluster will not have any of the CAPI controllers or the cert-manager component. This means that the cluster will be managed from the context of the cluster from which it was created such as the bootstrap cluster.  However, you can transform the cluster to a self-managed cluster by performing the commands:
dkp create capi-components --kubeconfig=<newcluster>

dkp move --to-kubeconfig=<newcluster>

This combination of actions is sometimes called a pivot.

When creating the CAPI components for a proxied environment using the DKP command line interface, you must include the following flags :

  • --http-proxy <<http proxy list>>

  • --https-proxy <<https proxy list>>

  • --no-proxy <<no proxy list>>

The following is an example dkp create capi-components command’s syntax with the HTTP proxy settings included:

dkp create capi-components --http-proxy <<http proxy list>> --https-proxy <<https proxy list>> --no-proxy <<no proxy list>>

Create CAPI Components with HTTP Proxy Settings

Note that the delimiter between each proxy value within a flag is a comma ( , ) with no space character following it. The flags can include a mix of IP addresses and domain names.

  1. If an HTTP proxy is required, locate the values to use for the http_proxy, https_proxy, and no_proxy flags. They will be built into the CAPI components during their creation.

  2. Create CAPI components using this command syntax, in addition to any other flags you may need:

    dkp create capi-components --kubeconfig $HOME/.kube/config \
      --http-proxy <string> \
      --https-proxy <string> \
      --no-proxy <string>

    This code sample shows the command with example values for the proxy settings:

    dkp create capi-components \
       --http-proxy \
       --https-proxy \


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