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Verify DKP installation

Check DKP components to verify the status of your cluster

In this section we show you how to verify a DKP installation.

Check the cluster infrastructure and nodes

DKP ships with some default diagnosis tools to check your cluster, such as the describe command. You can use those tools to validate your installation.

If you have not done so already, set the environment variable for your cluster name, substituting dkp-example with the name of your cluster:

export CLUSTER_NAME=dkp-example

Then, run this command to check the health of the cluster infrastructure:

dkp describe cluster --cluster-name=${CLUSTER_NAME}

A healthy cluster returns an output similar to:

NAME                                                            READY  SEVERITY  REASON  SINCE  MESSAGE
Cluster/dkp-example                                             True                     121m          
├─ClusterInfrastructure - AWSCluster/dkp-example                True                     121m          
├─ControlPlane - KubeadmControlPlane/dkp-example-control-plane  True                     121m          
│ ├─Machine/dkp-example-control-plane-h52t6                     True                     121m          
│ ├─Machine/dkp-example-control-plane-knrrh                     True                     121m          
│ └─Machine/dkp-example-control-plane-zmjjx                     True                     121m          
  └─MachineDeployment/dkp-example-md-0                          True                     121m          
    ├─Machine/dkp-example-md-0-88488cb74-2vxjq                  True                     121m          
    ├─Machine/dkp-example-md-0-88488cb74-84xsd                  True                     121m          
    ├─Machine/dkp-example-md-0-88488cb74-9xmc6                  True                     121m          
    └─Machine/dkp-example-md-0-88488cb74-mjf6s                  True                     121m     

Use this kubectl command to check to see if all cluster nodes are ready:

kubectl get nodes

The output should look similar to this, with all statuses set to Ready

NAME                                         STATUS   ROLES                  AGE    VERSION   Ready    <none>                 135m   v1.21.6   Ready    <none>                 135m   v1.21.6   Ready    control-plane,master   133m   v1.21.6    Ready    control-plane,master   135m   v1.21.6    Ready    <none>                 135m   v1.21.6    Ready    <none>                 135m   v1.21.6    Ready    control-plane,master   137m   v1.21.6

To verify a successful installation, all of the previous commands should return as Ready or True.

Verify all pods are running

All pods installed by DKP should be in Running or Completed status if the install is successful.

kubectl get pods --all-namespaces


If any pod is not in Running or Completed status, you need to investigate further. If it appears that something has not deployed properly or fully, run a diagnostic bundle:

dkp diagnose

This collects information from pods and infrastructure. For more information, see more about generating a support bundle and the different configurations that it supports.

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