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AWS Air-gapped AMI

Create an AMI using Konvoy Image Builder (KIB) for use in an air-gapped cluster

The default AWS image is not recommended for use in production. We suggest using Konvoy Image Builder to AWS Air-gapped AMI to take advantage of enhanced cluster operations, and to explore the Install AWS Air-Gapped topics for more options.

Using KIB, you can build an AMI without requiring access to the internet by providing an additional --override flag.

  1. Assuming you have downloaded dkp-air-gapped-bundle_v2.4.2_linux_amd64.tar.gz , extract the tarball to a local directory:

    tar -xzvf dkp-air-gapped-bundle_v2.4.2_linux_amd64.tar.gz && cd dkp-v2.4.2/kib
  2. Follow the instructions to build an AMI and set the override --overrides overrides/offline.yaml flag.

After you complete these steps, you can seed your docker registry.

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