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Restore a cluster from backup

Before attempting to restore the cluster state using the Velero command-line interface, you should verify the following requirements:

  • The backend storage, MinIO, is still operational.

  • The Velero platform service in the cluster is still operational.

  • The Velero platform service is set to a restore-only-mode to avoid having backups run while restoring.

To list the available backup archives for your cluster, run the following command:

velero backup get

To set Velero to a restore-only-mode, run the following command:

velero server --restore-only=true

This mode is being deprecated and will be removed in Velero in Velero v2.0. Use read-only backup storage locations instead.

Finally, check your deployment to verify that the configuration change was applied correctly:

helm get values -n kommander velero

To restore cluster data on demand from a selected backup snapshot available in the cluster, run a command similar to the following:

velero restore create --from-backup BACKUP-NAME

Restore your DKP Management Cluster

When restoring a backup to the Management Cluster, you must adjust configuration to avoid restore errors.

Before restoring a backup, ensure the following ResourceQuota setup is not configured on your cluster:

When completed, the manually removed ResourceQuota named one-kommandercluster-per-kommander-workspace restores automatically.

Turn off the Workspace validation webhooks. Otherwise, you will not restore Workspaces with pre-configured namespaces. If the validation webhook named kommander-validating is present, it must be modified with the command:

kubectl patch validatingwebhookconfigurations kommander-validating \
  --type json \
  --patch '[
      "op": "remove",
      "path": "/webhooks/0/rules/3/operations/0"

When the backup completes, re-add the removed CREATE webhook rule operation with:

kubectl patch validatingwebhookconfigurations kommander-validating \
  --type json \
  --patch '[
      "op": "add",
      "path": "/webhooks/0/rules/3/operations/0",
      "value": "CREATE"
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