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Install the Velero CLI

Although installing the Velero command-line interface is optional and independent of deploying a DKP cluster, having access to the command-line interface provides several benefits. For example, you can use the Velero command-line interface to back up or restore a cluster on demand, or to modify certain settings without changing the Velero configuration.

  • By default, DKP sets up Velero to use MinIO over TLS using a self-signed certificate.

  • As a result, when using certain commands, you may be asked to use the --insecure-skip-tls-verify flag.

Again, the default setup is not suitable for production use-cases.

See the instructions to install the Velero command-line interface for more information.

In DKP, the Velero platform application is installed in the kommander namespace, instead of velero. Thus, after installing the CLI, we recommend that you set the Velero CLI namespace config option so that subsequent Velero CLI invocations will use the correct namespace:

velero client config set namespace=kommander
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