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Infrastructure Providers

Managing infrastructure providers used by Kommander

Infrastructure providers, like AWS, provide the infrastructure for your Konvoy clusters. To automate their provisioning, Kommander needs authentication keys for your preferred infrastructure provider. You may have many accounts for a single infrastructure provider.

To provision new clusters and manage them, Kommander needs infrastructure provider credentials. Currently, AWS is supported.

Infrastructure provider credentials are configured in each workspace. The name you assign must be unique across all namespaces in your cluster.

View and Modify Infrastructure Providers

  1. From the top menu bar, select your target workspace.

  2. Select Infrastructure Providers in the Administration section of the sidebar menu.


Delete an infrastructure provider

Before deleting an infrastructure provider, Kommander verifies if any existing managed clusters were created using this provider. The infrastructure provider cannot be deleted until all clusters created with the infrastructure provider have been deleted. This ensures Kommander has access to your infrastructure provider to remove all resources created for a managed cluster.

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