Create an EKS Cluster from the UI
DKP UI allows you to quickly and easily provision a Cluster from your browser.
Create an AWS Infrastructure Provider
Before you create a Cluster, you first need to create an AWS infrastructure provider to hold your AWS/EKS Credentials:
aws iam get-role --role-name <role-name> --query 'Role.[RoleName, Arn]' --output text
Select Infrastructure Providers from the Dashboard menu.
Select Add Infrastructure Provider.
Choose a workspace. If you are already in a workspace, the provider is automatically created in that workspace.
Ensure you select Amazon Web Services.
Add a Name for your Infrastructure Provider and include the Role ARN from Step 1 above.
Select Save.
If you choose to, you can use static credentials. However, this method is not as secure so it is not recommended.
Provision an EKS Cluster
Follow these steps to provision the EKS cluster:
From the top menu bar, select your target workspace.
Select Clusters > Add Cluster.
This begins the provisioning workflow.Choose Create Cluster.
Enter the Cluster Name.
Select EKS from the Choose Infrastructure choices.
If available, choose a Kubernetes Version. Otherwise, the default Kubernetes version installs.
Select a data center region or specify a custom region.
Edit your worker Node Pools as necessary. You can choose the Number of Nodes, the Machine Type, and our IAM Instance Profile.
Add any additional Labels or Infrastructure Provider Tags as necessary.
Validate your inputs, and then select Create.
You are redirected to the Clusters page, where you see your Cluster in the Provisioning status. Hover over the status to view the details.
After about 15 minutes, your Cluster should be in the Provisioned status.
See AWS RoleARN for more information from the AWS site.
Access EKS Cluster
How to access an attached (managed) cluster with Kommander credentials
Accessing your managed clusters using your Kommander administrator credentials
After the cluster is successfully attached, you can retrieve a custom kubeconfig file from the UI.
Select the Kommander username in the top right corner, and then select Generate Token.
Select the attached cluster name, and follow the instructions to assemble a kubeconfig for accessing its Kubernetes API. If Kommander prompts you to log in, use the credentials used to first login to the UI.
You can also retrieve a custom kubeconfig file by visiting the /token
endpoint on the Kommander cluster domain (example URL:
. Selecting the attached cluster name displays the instructions to assemble a kubeconfig for accessing its Kubernetes API.