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Create an EKS Cluster from the CLI

Ensure that the KUBECONFIG environment variable is set to the self-managed cluster by running export KUBECONFIG={SELF_MANAGED_AWS_CLUSTER}.conf

Create a New EKS Kubernetes Cluster

By default, the control-plane Nodes will be created in 3 different Availability Zones. However, the default worker Nodes will reside in a single zone. You may create additional node pools in other Availability Zones with the dkp create nodepool command.

Follow these steps:

  1. Set the environment variable to the name you assigned this cluster.

    export CLUSTER_NAME=eks-example

    See EKS Quick Start for information on naming your cluster.

  2. Make sure your AWS credentials are up-to-date. Refresh the credentials command is only necessary if you are using Static Credentials (Access Keys) otherwise, if you are using role-based authentication on a bastion host, proceed to step 3:

    dkp update bootstrap credentials aws
  3. Create the cluster:

    dkp create cluster eks --cluster-name=${CLUSTER_NAME} --additional-tags=owner=$(whoami)

    Generating cluster resources created created created created created created
    configmap/calico-cni-installation-eks-example created
    configmap/tigera-operator-eks-example created created
    configmap/cluster-autoscaler-eks-example created created
    configmap/node-feature-discovery-eks-example created created
    configmap/nvidia-feature-discovery-eks-example created
  4. Inspect or edit the cluster objects:

    Use your favorite editor.

    NOTE: Editing the cluster objects requires some understanding of Cluster API. Edits can prevent the cluster from deploying successfully.

    The objects are Custom Resources defined by Cluster API components, and they belong in three different categories:

    1. Cluster

      A Cluster object has references to the infrastructure-specific and control plane objects. Because this is an AWS cluster, there is an AWSCluster object that describes the infrastructure-specific cluster properties. Here, this means the AWS region, the VPC ID, subnet IDs, and security group rules required by the Pod network implementation.

    2. Control Plane

      A AWSManagedControlPlane object describes the control plane, which is the group of machines that run the Kubernetes control plane components, which include the etcd distributed database, the API server, the core controllers, and the scheduler. The object describes the configuration for these components. The object also has a reference to an infrastructure-specific object that describes the properties of all control plane machines.

    3. Node Pool

      A Node Pool is a collection of machines with identical properties. For example, a cluster might have one Node Pool with large memory capacity, another Node Pool with GPU support. Each Node Pool is described by three objects: The MachinePool references an object that describes the configuration of Kubernetes components (for example, kubelet) deployed on each node pool machine, and an infrastructure-specific object that describes the properties of all node pool machines. Here, it references a KubeadmConfigTemplate, and an AWSMachineTemplate object, which describes the instance type, the type of disk used, the size of the disk, among other properties.

    For in-depth documentation about the objects, read Concepts in the Cluster API Book.

  5. Wait for the cluster control-plane to be ready:

    kubectl wait --for=condition=ControlPlaneReady "clusters/${CLUSTER_NAME}" --timeout=20m

    CODE condition met

    The READY status will become True after the cluster control-plane becomes ready in one of the following steps.

  6. Once the objects are created on the API server, the Cluster API controllers reconcile them. They create infrastructure and machines. As they progress, they update the Status of each object. Konvoy provides a command to describe the current status of the cluster:

    dkp describe cluster -c ${CLUSTER_NAME}

    NAME                                                               READY  SEVERITY  REASON  SINCE  MESSAGE
    Cluster/eks-example                                                True                     10m
    ├─ControlPlane - AWSManagedControlPlane/eks-example-control-plane  True                     10m
      └─MachineDeployment/eks-example-md-0                             True                     26s
    	├─Machine/eks-example-md-0-78fcd7c7b7-66ntt                    True                     84s
    	├─Machine/eks-example-md-0-78fcd7c7b7-b9qmc                    True                     84s
    	├─Machine/eks-example-md-0-78fcd7c7b7-v5vfq                    True                     84s
    	└─Machine/eks-example-md-0-78fcd7c7b7-zl6m2                    True                     84s
  7. As they progress, the controllers also create Events. List the Events using this command:

    kubectl get events | grep ${CLUSTER_NAME}

    For brevity, the example uses grep. It is also possible to use separate commands to get Events for specific objects. For example, kubectl get events --field-selector involvedObject.kind="AWSCluster" and kubectl get events --field-selector involvedObject.kind="AWSMachine".

    46m         Normal   SuccessfulCreateVPC                             awsmanagedcontrolplane/eks-example-control-plane   Created new managed VPC "vpc-05e775702092abf09"
    46m         Normal   SuccessfulSetVPCAttributes                      awsmanagedcontrolplane/eks-example-control-plane   Set managed VPC attributes for "vpc-05e775702092abf09"
    46m         Normal   SuccessfulCreateSubnet                          awsmanagedcontrolplane/eks-example-control-plane   Created new managed Subnet "subnet-0419dd3f2dfd95ff8"
    46m         Normal   SuccessfulModifySubnetAttributes                awsmanagedcontrolplane/eks-example-control-plane   Modified managed Subnet "subnet-0419dd3f2dfd95ff8" attributes
    46m         Normal   SuccessfulCreateSubnet                          awsmanagedcontrolplane/eks-example-control-plane   Created new managed Subnet "subnet-0e724b128e3113e47"
    46m         Normal   SuccessfulCreateSubnet                          awsmanagedcontrolplane/eks-example-control-plane   Created new managed Subnet "subnet-06b2b31ea6a8d3962"
    46m         Normal   SuccessfulModifySubnetAttributes                awsmanagedcontrolplane/eks-example-control-plane   Modified managed Subnet "subnet-06b2b31ea6a8d3962" attributes
    46m         Normal   SuccessfulCreateSubnet                          awsmanagedcontrolplane/eks-example-control-plane   Created new managed Subnet "subnet-0626ce238be32bf98"
    46m         Normal   SuccessfulCreateSubnet                          awsmanagedcontrolplane/eks-example-control-plane   Created new managed Subnet "subnet-0f53cf59f83177800"
    46m         Normal   SuccessfulModifySubnetAttributes                awsmanagedcontrolplane/eks-example-control-plane   Modified managed Subnet "subnet-0f53cf59f83177800" attributes
    46m         Normal   SuccessfulCreateSubnet                          awsmanagedcontrolplane/eks-example-control-plane   Created new managed Subnet "subnet-0878478f6bbf153b2"
    46m         Normal   SuccessfulCreateInternetGateway                 awsmanagedcontrolplane/eks-example-control-plane   Created new managed Internet Gateway "igw-09fb52653949d4579"
    46m         Normal   SuccessfulAttachInternetGateway                 awsmanagedcontrolplane/eks-example-control-plane   Internet Gateway "igw-09fb52653949d4579" attached to VPC "vpc-05e775702092abf09"
    46m         Normal   SuccessfulCreateNATGateway                      awsmanagedcontrolplane/eks-example-control-plane   Created new NAT Gateway "nat-06356aac28079952d"
    46m         Normal   SuccessfulCreateNATGateway                      awsmanagedcontrolplane/eks-example-control-plane   Created new NAT Gateway "nat-0429d1cd9d956bf35"
    46m         Normal   SuccessfulCreateNATGateway                      awsmanagedcontrolplane/eks-example-control-plane   Created new NAT Gateway "nat-059246bcc9d4e88e7"
    46m         Normal   SuccessfulCreateRouteTable                      awsmanagedcontrolplane/eks-example-control-plane   Created managed RouteTable "rtb-01689c719c484fd3c"
    46m         Normal   SuccessfulCreateRoute                           awsmanagedcontrolplane/eks-example-control-plane   Created route {...
    46m         Normal   SuccessfulAssociateRouteTable                   awsmanagedcontrolplane/eks-example-control-plane   Associated managed RouteTable "rtb-01689c719c484fd3c" with subnet "subnet-0419dd3f2dfd95ff8"
    46m         Normal   SuccessfulCreateRouteTable                      awsmanagedcontrolplane/eks-example-control-plane   Created managed RouteTable "rtb-065af81b9752eeb69"
    46m         Normal   SuccessfulCreateRoute                           awsmanagedcontrolplane/eks-example-control-plane   Created route {...
    46m         Normal   SuccessfulAssociateRouteTable                   awsmanagedcontrolplane/eks-example-control-plane   Associated managed RouteTable "rtb-065af81b9752eeb69" with subnet "subnet-0e724b128e3113e47"
    46m         Normal   SuccessfulCreateRouteTable                      awsmanagedcontrolplane/eks-example-control-plane   Created managed RouteTable "rtb-03eeff810a89afc98"
    46m         Normal   SuccessfulCreateRoute                           awsmanagedcontrolplane/eks-example-control-plane   Created route {...
    46m         Normal   SuccessfulAssociateRouteTable                   awsmanagedcontrolplane/eks-example-control-plane   Associated managed RouteTable "rtb-03eeff810a89afc98" with subnet "subnet-06b2b31ea6a8d3962"
    46m         Normal   SuccessfulCreateRouteTable                      awsmanagedcontrolplane/eks-example-control-plane   Created managed RouteTable "rtb-0fab36f8751fdee73"
    46m         Normal   SuccessfulCreateRoute                           awsmanagedcontrolplane/eks-example-control-plane   Created route {...
    46m         Normal   SuccessfulAssociateRouteTable                   awsmanagedcontrolplane/eks-example-control-plane   Associated managed RouteTable "rtb-0fab36f8751fdee73" with subnet "subnet-0626ce238be32bf98"
    46m         Normal   SuccessfulCreateRouteTable                      awsmanagedcontrolplane/eks-example-control-plane   Created managed RouteTable "rtb-0e5c9c7bbc3740a0f"
    46m         Normal   SuccessfulCreateRoute                           awsmanagedcontrolplane/eks-example-control-plane   Created route {...
    46m         Normal   SuccessfulAssociateRouteTable                   awsmanagedcontrolplane/eks-example-control-plane   Associated managed RouteTable "rtb-0e5c9c7bbc3740a0f" with subnet "subnet-0f53cf59f83177800"
    46m         Normal   SuccessfulCreateRouteTable                      awsmanagedcontrolplane/eks-example-control-plane   Created managed RouteTable "rtb-0bf58eb5f73c387af"
    46m         Normal   SuccessfulCreateRoute                           awsmanagedcontrolplane/eks-example-control-plane   Created route {...
    46m         Normal   SuccessfulAssociateRouteTable                   awsmanagedcontrolplane/eks-example-control-plane   Associated managed RouteTable "rtb-0bf58eb5f73c387af" with subnet "subnet-0878478f6bbf153b2"
    46m         Normal   SuccessfulCreateSecurityGroup                   awsmanagedcontrolplane/eks-example-control-plane   Created managed SecurityGroup "sg-0b045c998a120a1b2" for Role "node-eks-additional"
    46m         Normal   InitiatedCreateEKSControlPlane                  awsmanagedcontrolplane/eks-example-control-plane   Initiated creation of a new EKS control plane default_eks-example-control-plane
    37m         Normal   SuccessfulCreateEKSControlPlane                 awsmanagedcontrolplane/eks-example-control-plane   Created new EKS control plane default_eks-example-control-plane
    37m         Normal   SucessfulCreateKubeconfig                       awsmanagedcontrolplane/eks-example-control-plane   Created kubeconfig for cluster "eks-example"
    37m         Normal   SucessfulCreateUserKubeconfig                   awsmanagedcontrolplane/eks-example-control-plane   Created user kubeconfig for cluster "eks-example"
    27m         Normal   SuccessfulCreate                                awsmachine/eks-example-md-0-4t9nc                  Created new node instance with id "i-0aecc1897c93df740"
    26m         Normal   SuccessfulDeleteEncryptedBootstrapDataSecrets   awsmachine/eks-example-md-0-4t9nc                  AWS Secret entries containing userdata deleted
    26m         Normal   SuccessfulSetNodeRef                            machine/eks-example-md-0-78fcd7c7b7-fn7x9
    26m         Normal   SuccessfulSetNodeRef                            machine/eks-example-md-0-78fcd7c7b7-g64nv
    26m         Normal   SuccessfulSetNodeRef                            machine/eks-example-md-0-78fcd7c7b7-gwc5j
    26m         Normal   SuccessfulSetNodeRef                            machine/eks-example-md-0-78fcd7c7b7-j58s4
    46m         Normal   SuccessfulCreate                                machineset/eks-example-md-0-78fcd7c7b7             Created machine "eks-example-md-0-78fcd7c7b7-fn7x9"
    46m         Normal   SuccessfulCreate                                machineset/eks-example-md-0-78fcd7c7b7             Created machine "eks-example-md-0-78fcd7c7b7-g64nv"
    46m         Normal   SuccessfulCreate                                machineset/eks-example-md-0-78fcd7c7b7             Created machine "eks-example-md-0-78fcd7c7b7-j58s4"
    46m         Normal   SuccessfulCreate                                machineset/eks-example-md-0-78fcd7c7b7             Created machine "eks-example-md-0-78fcd7c7b7-gwc5j"
    27m         Normal   SuccessfulCreate                                awsmachine/eks-example-md-0-7whkv                  Created new node instance with id "i-06dfc0466b8f26695"
    26m         Normal   SuccessfulDeleteEncryptedBootstrapDataSecrets   awsmachine/eks-example-md-0-7whkv                  AWS Secret entries containing userdata deleted
    27m         Normal   SuccessfulCreate                                awsmachine/eks-example-md-0-ttgzv                  Created new node instance with id "i-0544fce0350fd41fb"
    26m         Normal   SuccessfulDeleteEncryptedBootstrapDataSecrets   awsmachine/eks-example-md-0-ttgzv                  AWS Secret entries containing userdata deleted
    27m         Normal   SuccessfulCreate                                awsmachine/eks-example-md-0-v2hrf                  Created new node instance with id "i-0498906edde162e59"
    26m         Normal   SuccessfulDeleteEncryptedBootstrapDataSecrets   awsmachine/eks-example-md-0-v2hrf                  AWS Secret entries containing userdata deleted
    46m         Normal   SuccessfulCreate                                machinedeployment/eks-example-md-0                 Created MachineSet "eks-example-md-0-78fcd7c7b7"

Known Limitations

Be aware of these limitations in the current release of Konvoy.

  • The Konvoy version used to create a workload cluster must match the Konvoy version used to delete a workload cluster.

  • EKS clusters cannot be Self-managed.

  • Konvoy supports deploying one workload cluster.

  • Konvoy generates a set of objects for one Node Pool.

  • Konvoy does not validate edits to cluster objects.

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