Create a New AWS Air-gapped Cluster
Create a new AWS Kubernetes cluster in an Air-gapped environment.
Create a new AWS Kubernetes cluster in an existing infrastructure
When you use existing infrastructure, DKP does not create, modify, or delete the following AWS resources:
Internet Gateways
NAT Gateways
Routing tables
VPC Endpoints (for subnets without NAT Gateways)
An AWS subnet has Network ACLs that can control traffic in and out of the subnet. DKP does not modify the Network ACLs of an existing subnet. DKP uses Security Groups to control traffic. If a Network ACL denies traffic that is allowed by DKP-managed Security Groups, the cluster may not work correctly.
Set the environment variable to the name you assigned this cluster:
CODEexport CLUSTER_NAME=aws-example
See Get Started with AWS for information on naming your cluster.
NOTE: The cluster name may only contain the following characters:
, and-
. Cluster creation will fail if the name has capital letters. See Kubernetes for more naming information.Export variables for the existing infrastructure details:
CODEexport AWS_VPC_ID=<vpc-...> export AWS_SUBNET_IDS=<subnet-...,subnet-...,subnet-...> export AWS_ADDITIONAL_SECURITY_GROUPS=<sg-...,sg-...> export AWS_AMI_ID=<ami-...>
: the VPC ID where the cluster will be created. The VPC requires theec2
VPC endpoints to be already present.AWS_SUBNET_IDS
: a comma-separated list of one or more private Subnet IDs with each one in a different Availability Zone. The cluster control-plane and worker nodes will automatically be spread across these Subnets.AWS_ADDITIONAL_SECURITY_GROUPS
: a comma-seperated list of one or more Security Groups IDs to use in addition to the ones automatically created by CAPA.AWS_AMI_ID
: the AMI ID to use for control-plane and worker nodes. The AMI must be created by the konvoy-image-builder.
IMPORTANT: You must tag the subnets as described below to allow for Kubernetes to create ELBs for services of type
in those subnets. If the subnets are not tagged, they will not receive an ELB and the following error displays:Error syncing load balancer, failed to ensure load balancer; could not find any suitable subnets for creating the ELB.
.The tags should be set as follows, where
corresponds to the name set inCLUSTER_NAME
environment = <CLUSTER_NAME><CLUSTER_NAME> = owned = 1
Configure your cluster to use an existing Docker registry as a mirror when attempting to pull images:
IMPORTANT: The AMI must be created by the konvoy-image-builder project in order to use the registry mirror feature.
CODEexport DOCKER_REGISTRY_URL=<https/http>://<registry-address>:<registry-port> export DOCKER_REGISTRY_CA=<path to the CA on the bastion> export DOCKER_REGISTRY_USERNAME=<username> export DOCKER_REGISTRY_PASSWORD=<password>
: the address of an existing Docker registry accessible in the VPC that the new cluster nodes will be configured to use a mirror registry when pulling images.DOCKER_REGISTRY_CA
: (optional) the path on the bastion machine to the Docker registry CA.dkp
will configure the cluster nodes to trust this CA. This value is only needed if the registry is using a self-signed certificate and the AMIs are not already configured to trust this CA.DOCKER_REGISTRY_USERNAME
: optional, set to a user that has pull access to this registry.DOCKER_REGISTRY_PASSWORD
: optional if username is not set.
Create a Kubernetes cluster:
CODEdkp create cluster aws --cluster-name=${CLUSTER_NAME} \ --vpc-id=${AWS_VPC_ID} \ --ami=${AWS_AMI_ID} \ --subnet-ids=${AWS_SUBNET_IDS} \ --internal-load-balancer=true \ --additional-security-group-ids=${AWS_ADDITIONAL_SECURITY_GROUPS} \ --registry-mirror-url=${DOCKER_REGISTRY_URL} \ --registry-mirror-cacert=${DOCKER_REGISTRY_CA} \ --registry-mirror-username=${DOCKER_REGISTRY_USERNAME} \ --registry-mirror-password=${DOCKER_REGISTRY_PASSWORD}
(Optional) The Control Plane and Worker nodes can be configured to use an HTTP proxy:
CODEexport CONTROL_PLANE_HTTP_PROXY= export CONTROL_PLANE_HTTPS_PROXY= export CONTROL_PLANE_NO_PROXY=",,,localhost,,,,kubernetes,kubernetes.default,kubernetes.default.svc,kubernetes.default.svc.cluster,kubernetes.default.svc.cluster.local,.svc,.svc.cluster,.svc.cluster.local,," export WORKER_HTTP_PROXY= export WORKER_HTTPS_PROXY= export WORKER_NO_PROXY=",,,localhost,,,,kubernetes,kubernetes.default,kubernetes.default.svc,kubernetes.default.svc.cluster,kubernetes.default.svc.cluster.local,.svc,.svc.cluster,.svc.cluster.local,,"
with you internal addresseslocalhost
addresses should not use the proxy10.96.0.0/12
is the default Kubernetes service subnet192.168.0.0/16
is the default Kubernetes pod subnetkubernetes,kubernetes.default,kubernetes.default.svc,kubernetes.default.svc.cluster,kubernetes.default.svc.cluster.local
is the internal Kubernetes kube-apiserver service.svc,.svc.cluster,.svc.cluster.local
are the internal Kubernetes services169.254.169.254
is the AWS metadata
is for the worker nodes to allow them to communicate directly to the kube-apiserver ELB
(Optional) Create a Kubernetes cluster with HTTP proxy configured. This step assumes you did not already create a cluster in the previous steps:
CODEdkp create cluster aws --cluster-name=${CLUSTER_NAME} \ --vpc-id=${AWS_VPC_ID} \ --ami=${AWS_AMI_ID} \ --subnet-ids=${AWS_SUBNET_IDS} \ --internal-load-balancer=true \ --additional-security-group-ids=${AWS_ADDITIONAL_SECURITY_GROUPS} \ --registry-mirror-url=${DOCKER_REGISTRY_URL} \ --registry-mirror-cacert=${DOCKER_REGISTRY_CA} \ --registry-mirror-username=${DOCKER_REGISTRY_USERNAME} \ --registry-mirror-password=${DOCKER_REGISTRY_PASSWORD} --control-plane-http-proxy="${CONTROL_PLANE_HTTP_PROXY}" \ --control-plane-https-proxy="${CONTROL_PLANE_HTTPS_PROXY}" \ --control-plane-no-proxy="${CONTROL_PLANE_NO_PROXY}" \ --worker-http-proxy="${WORKER_HTTP_PROXY}" \ --worker-https-proxy="${WORKER_HTTPS_PROXY}" \ --worker-no-proxy="${WORKER_NO_PROXY}"
Inspect the created cluster resources:
CODEkubectl get clusters,kubeadmcontrolplanes,machinedeployments
Wait for the cluster control-plane to be ready:
CODEkubectl wait --for=condition=ControlPlaneReady "clusters/${CLUSTER_NAME}" --timeout=60m
Then, Explore the New Cluster.