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AWS Air-gapped Prerequisites

Air-gapped installation prerequisites


Before you begin, you must have:

  • Linux machine (bastion) that has access to the existing VPC.

  • The dkp binary on the bastion.

  • Docker version 18.09.2 or later installed on the bastion.

  • kubectl for interacting with the running cluster on the bastion.

  • Valid AWS account with credentials configured.

  • An existing docker registry.

  • Ability to download artifacts from the internet and then copy those onto your bootstrap machine.

  • An AWS Air-Gapped Machine Image

Air-Gapped Registry Prerequisites

JFrog Artifactory

If you use Jfrog Artifactory or Jfrog Container Registry, you must update to a new version of the software. Any build newer than version 7.11 will work, as we have confirmed that older versions are not compatible.

Nexus Registry

If you use Nexus Registry, there is currently an issue that prevents usage with DKP 2.X and OCI Images. Support for OCI Images was added here in this publicly available Jira ticket:

A new issue was filed here determining that OCI image support is currently broken:

You can track this Jira link for status on a resolution for this issue.

Harbor Registry

Any newer version than Harbor Registry v2.1.1-5f52168e will support OCI images. 

Configure AWS prerequisites

  1. Follow the steps in IAM Policy Configuration.

  2. Export the AWS region where you want to deploy the cluster:

    export AWS_REGION=us-west-2
  3. Export the AWS profile with the credentials you want to use to create the Kubernetes cluster:

    export AWS_PROFILE=<profile>

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